
The value of heartfelt appreciation

The value of heartfelt appreciation Sarah Dale explores the importance of gratitude and some practical ways to share it

Is it ‘ok to say’ how you’re feeling at work?

Last week, here in the UK and across much of the rest of Europe, most of us were preoccupied with the challenges of d...

Are you thriving or just coping?

Over the last few years I’ve noticed a shift in language when people talk about their own lives and the lives of othe...

Are there enough tools to help schools build wellbeing?

Since the start of this year, we’ve had the opportunity to attend a couple of the largest education exhibitions in th...

Shifting the balance towards positive education

If you’re already a parent, or aspiring to become one, what is it that you most want for your child? Just stop for a ...

Berkeley Well-Being Institute features At My Best tools

Tchiki Davis Ph.D. is a researcher, consultant and contributing author at the world-renowned Greater Good Science Cen...

Helping staff flourish

With the start of the new year and the inevitable flurry of new year resolutions it seems like a good time to reflect...

Parenting and positive psychology

‘Positive parenting’ techniques are being talked about more and more.  In this blog I'll briefly look at how positive...

Do we really need questionnaires to explore strengths?

“So, what are your strengths then?” my potential future employer asked.  It might have been nearly 20 years ago, but ...

Keep it simple

Whilst at a conference recently I attended a very interesting presentation by Claire Pedrick from 3D coaching.  Clair...

At My Best receives glowing praise in Choice Magazine

We were delighted to see Marcy Nelson-Garrison's review of our strengths-based 360 feedback tool in this month's edit...

Helping teachers flourish

Schools and other education institutions all over the world are increasingly recognising how valuable the field of po...
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