What strengths do great 'positive educators' have?

Across many parts of the globe there has been growing debate about the nature and purpose of the education system.  Should schools be all about the pursuit of knowledge and academic achievement or do they have a broader role in the development of students?

We would argue strongly that education is about much more than test or exam results, which is why we are proud to be supporters of IPEN (the International Positive Education Network).

This July we will be talking at IPEN's first Festival of Positive Education, in Dallas in the USA, on the subject of teacher wellbeing.  Ahead of that talk, we're conducting a simple (and fun) piece of research to explore the following question:

What are the key strengths of those teachers who exemplify positive education?

To find out, we're using an adapted version of the At My Best self-reflection exercise.  Respondents simply identify someone who, for them, is a great example of positive education in practice and the go through a card sort activity to identify that person's strengths.

Positive Education is focused on enabling learners to flourish through equal emphasis on academics and character development/wellbeing.


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